3rd Collingwood World Summit: Habitat in Towns 2022
Sustainable Housing and Finance
October 31 & November 1 2022
Eduardo López Moreno
Former Director of Knowledge and Innovation, UN-Habitat
Reza Pourvaziry
Chair, Urban Economy Forum, Canada
Keith Hull
Mayor of Collingwood, Canada
Sharmaarke Abdullahi
Officer-In-Charge Donor Relations and Strategic Resource partnerships, UN-Habitat, Kenya
Ananthan Krishnan
Secretary General, Urban Economy Forum, Canada
Beth McMahon
Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Institute of Planners, Canada
Gabriel Qvigstad
CEO and Co-Founder, Svale, Norway
Chisom Udeze
Founder, Mettle Consult
Mark Palmer
Executive Director, Greenland Group of Companies, Canada
Larry Law
CEO & Founder of Living Water Resorts, Canada
Sonya Skinner
CAO, Town of Collingwood, Canada
Megan Meaney
Executive Director, ICLEI Canada
Kyle Wiebe
Associate, International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD), Canada
Kathy Jeffery
Councillor, Town of Collingwood, Canada
Rosalyn Morrison
Chair, Board of Directors, The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay, Canada
Phil Prentice
Chief Officer, Scotland Towns Association, Scotland
Jean Claude Adzalla
Senior Policy Advisor at Financial Inclusion Consortium, Kenya
Rashee Mehra
Senior Associate, Academics & Research at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India
Zahra Kassam
Urban Planner, Kenya
Nicole Yardy
Climate Change Specialist, Town of Collingwood, Canada
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