
The Urban Economy Forum – USA is a chapter of UEF Headquarters. It attempts to create a network of the US cities and showcase the best practices of sustainable urban economy, resources, and finance. In the United States, the 2030 Agenda or the agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being aligned with the local goals of U.S. cities. The UEF-USA chapter will support the opportunity to harmonize policy level initiatives and raise the awareness of the SDGs among the stakeholders. UEF- USA will work with partners to garner People’s support, engagement, and understanding to create congruence between the interests and aspirations of city residents with city priorities and building coalitions of diverse partners and stakeholders. As part of the mandate of UEF, cities and towns will be encouraged to showcase U.S. innovation, and values, also for an international audience and support the drive for global progress in sustainable urbanization.

To strengthen the foundation for a more strategic and comprehensive implementation approach to achieving SDG 11 and the new urban agenda, UEF-USA furthers its scope of work by including sustainability audits and the monitoring and evaluation that are needed to empower cities and society. SDG targets and measurements, such as the Global Urban Monitoring Framework, can help cities understand and address issues like homelessness, housing affordability, health and educational outcomes, local economic development, mobilizing policy and resources that consider the most vulnerable, and enable their prosperity and human development. In addition, it thrives on working with community economic development hubs, the private sector associations, neighborhood, and community organizations by linking research to action for enabling the realization of sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the local level.

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