Climate finance and inclusive participatory cities 


This virtual panel session explores how climate finance can be utilized to foster inclusive and participatory urban development. Experts and stakeholders will discuss innovative approaches to ensure that climate funds are allocated equitably and involve local communities in decision-making processes. The session also aims to highlight the importance of inclusive governance and community engagement, including a gender lens, in shaping sustainable urban development, ultimately leading to more resilient and prosperous cities that address climate challenges effectively.


  • Mehar Deep Kaur, Architectural Writer and Academician (India)


  • Sophia Kianni, Founder of Climate Cardinals | Youngest UN Advisor (Washington, DC, USA)
  • Dr. Cherie Enns, Associate Professor, School of Land Use and Environmental Change, University of the Fraser Valley (British Columbia, Canada)
  • Dr. Kyle Farrell, Managing Partner, Economic Pulse Analytics (British Columbia, Canada)
  • Dr. Adriana Paliwods-Matiolanski, Professor Dept of Trade and Market Institutions, Krakow University of Economics (Krakow, Poland)
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