
April, 24 2024

Next steps in the Path to 6th Urban Economy Forum, 

“Financing Sustainable Tourism, Advancing Quality of Life” : Insights from the second UEF6 Steering Committee Meeting

The second UEF6 Steering Committee meeting was centered around updates and discussions regarding the structure, content, and organization of the upcoming forum. Reza Pourvaziry, Chair of UEF, provided insights into changes in dates and collaborative efforts with UCLG, involving numerous organizations and financial institutions in discussions on sustainable finance and tourism. Fazileh Dadvar, Director of UEF6, outlined a tentative agenda for the event, spanning three days across Kitchener and Toronto, featuring registration, keynote speakers, thematic sessions, and mayoral roundtables. Alyssa Martschenko, UEF6 Communications Manager emphasized the importance of member engagement in the communication strategy, while Anantha Krishnan SG of UEF, stressed the steering committee's role in identifying speakers and topics. 

Key themes such as sustainable tourism, economic recovery, and local vulnerability were highlighted, with suggestions made to address them in the forum's agenda. Eduardo Lopez Moreno, Executive Director of Pavilion and member of SC of UEF6 underscored the need for transversal discussions on sustainability, economy, and quality of life, suggesting exploration of connections with sustainable indices, ecotourism, cultural heritage, and resilience to climate change. Fabio Carbone added depth to the discussion by advocating for a nuanced understanding of "community" in urban contexts, especially concerning issues like racism and integration, while Ilda Cordeiro updated on collaboration with the Urban Thinkers Campus program and initiatives related to gender and urban sustainable development. 

Kamran Espili, emphasized the importance of better urban data management, while there was a focus on cultural tourism's role in fostering social inclusion policies and creating an inclusive environment for migrants. The meeting concluded with reminders about ongoing communication and collaboration, the main points discussed by esteemed member of SC included: emphasizing sustainable tourism, local economic development, and inclusivity as critical aspects of the upcoming forum. The organizer emphasized the importance of active involvement from committee members in nominating speakers and providing feedback, encouraging continuous communication and input between official meetings. 

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