Urban Economy Forum is pleased to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with First Nations University to collaborate to establish the Global Hall of Indigenous Habitat


Indigenous cultures from around the world become a main inspiration of sustainability, for the transformation of communities, towns, and cities into eco-friendly and socially inclusive habitats.


About the Global Hall

The Global Hall for Indigenous Habitat offers an international, intersectoral, and collaborative space for Indigenous Peoples from around the world, to connect, exchange wise practices and ideas, and work together for the advancement of their self-determination and inherent rights pertaining to the planning of all aspects of their habitats and all aspects related to the climate agenda.  The Global Hall’s worldwide steering committee, represented by Indigenous Peoples representatives, engages governments, local authorities, and cities to establish global cohesion, advocacy, and bring more attention to Indigenous settlements and communities.


In alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and the United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the innovative Global Hall advocates for local urban transformation which integrates the traditional Indigenous knowledges of community planning & design and fosters greater dialogue and awareness for local impact on climate solutions and climate justice.


This innovative Indigenous Global gathering brings together Indigenous experiences from across the globe to establish an action-oriented and policies-oriented agenda, with global pilots around the world. These practices will be assessed and reviewed for models & wise practices and shared globally with the international community thereby acknowledging and enhancing the significant role of Indigenous Peoples in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda, in respect to their ancestral Indigenous knowledges of sustainability.

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