
February 4, 2021

ISOCARP - Closing Plenary
Closing Remarks from Reza Pourvaziry, Chair of Urban Economy Forum

ISOCARP's World Planning Congress held its Closing Plenary on February 4th, 2021. Reza Pourvaziry, Chair of Urban Economy Forum was honored to participate as a speaker in this upcoming session where he has delivered the closing remarks.

The closing plenary had a recap of the previous events. There was a place-leaders roundtable on the subject of Urban Green Deals. Afterwards, the plenary had a segment on Congress Summary and Reflections. Dushko Bogunovich, Board Member of ISOCARP  introduced the 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress Declaration. Finally, the plenary was concluded with the closing remarks.

The 56thWPC-Congress Declaration has been uploaded on ISOCARP's website, please click here to view the document in PDF format.

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