
August, 2021

COP26 Cities and Climate Finance

Urban Economy Forum was honoured to have the participation of its Secretary General, Anantha Krishnan at the COP26 - UN Climate Change Conference online roundtable on Cities and Climate Finance, organised by the The British Academy, in collaboration with the National Academies and UKRI. 

Relating to this roundtable, the British Academy is inviting proposals for international interdisciplinary research projects that seek to address the question, "what is a good city?". Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research 2022 "aims to support projects which engage with questions concerning the relationship between expertise, public understanding and policy delivery internationally, and highlight the importance of collaboration between communities of practice, disciplines, capacities and borders.".

Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £200,000 are available. Deadline 29 September.

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