Press Release
"Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world"
[Toronto, Canada] Urban Economy Forum (UEF) is proud to celebrate women and girls across the world who are building an equal future and changing the local landscape in cities and communities globally leading the collective struggle for equal rights, dignity, respect and decision-making in all aspects of their lives. And in these extraordinary times with - countless women around the world have made sacrifices to help others. Women have gained recognition for their roles in response to COVID-19, but remain under-represented in decision-making bodies, nationally and locally. Economic disruption from the pandemic outbreak has caused job losses disproportionately and in addition burdened women with unpaid care. Women and girls also bear disproportionate burden and risk of poor and inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene services in informal settlements and slums where over one billion of the world’s urban population is estimated to live. They have to make tough choices in negotiating between personal sanitary needs, privacy as well as safety, childcare and other chores.
Women make up only 9% of mayors and 21% of female councillors in the world. Only 18% of members of parliament are women.
In Canada, a century after the first woman was elected to the Toronto City Council, gender equality is far from reality in city and town councils across the country. According to data published last year, only 31% of councilors are women. And only 21% of the country’s 441 largest cities have female mayors, according to the joint Star and Canadian Municipal Barometer analysis.
Gender equality and sustainable urbanisation are crucial not only for the survival of cities, but for the realisation of global commitments and targets, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda.
Women are an integral part of cities, whether as users of space or as policymakers or planners, thus any action to establish sustainable urbanism and the achievement of the SDGs should be leveraged on women being key players in the process. The Urban Economy Forum established a platform in 2020 to focus on women, which provides a stage for both women and men to come together, and talk, plan and act upon women’s participation and leadership to make a better future for all people across the world and establish inclusive, justice-oriented and women-friendly cities.
To raise awareness and strengthen women and girls’ voices for equality and empowerment, UEF joined in the global campaign to gather inspirational and supportive messages on women and their leadership role in an urbanizing world. Messages were received from UN agencies, ministries, commissioners, academia, grassroots leaders and youth, among others. They have been shared on our website and social media to reach a wide audience and ensure that the voices of women are heard.
“We have many examples of women’s meaningful participation and leadership”.
— Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
“I am very proud to be part of a Commission in which
gender parity is a realty; 12 women commissioners
to 14 men under the leadership of the first women president
of the institution. I am myself the first woman appointed
Portuguese Commissioner”
— Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner, European Commission
“Tackling the climate crisis may also be a
unique opportunity to include millions of women
in the new climate economy’
— Cassia Moraes, Founder and CEO, Youth Climate Leaders
“A gender-blind society will not think of women in terms of
“as good as, or less good” but as being different.
That means welcoming women and valuing the divergent
perspectives and richness they bring to society.
This is my hope today”
Camilla Ween, Loeb Fellowship at Harvard University and Expert in Urban Design, City Planning and Transportation
“On International Women’s Day let’s recognize the
transformative work that is being done by women worldwide
and … reimagine a world where we all get to live
with justice and dignity”
Natalie Howard, RHC Journalist & Cuba Coordinator, CRICKET CIC
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