Urban Economy Forum 2021
Gülden ErkutProfessor of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
Gülden Erkut is Professor Emeritus in the City and Regional Planning Department at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (1981-2021). She served as the Chair of Regional Planning division of the department for 10 years (2000–2010). Gülden Erkut’s research interests and publications include strategic spatial planning, regional and local development, social policies and urban sociology. She has extensive academic and professional experiences in teaching, research and consultancy. She conducted regional and local planning projects in cooperation with international, national and local institutions. She contributed to the international/interdisciplinary ‘Urban Management’ Master program, Berlin Technical University as a DAAD Guest Professor (2012-2013). She was a member of the Policy Unit 7 on ‘Urban Economic Development Strategies’ for UN Habitat III which produced a key policy paper supporting The New Urban Agenda. She contributed to the preparation of ‘Marmara Region Spatial Development Strategic Framework Document’ (2021).
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