Call For Paper
Urban Economy Forum
October 5th & 6th, 2020 Toronto, Canada
2nd Urban Economy Forum
Sustainable Urban Economy and SDG 11
Organized By: Urban Economic Forum 2020 and UN-Habitat
Abstract submission deadline: Apr 15th, 2020
Full paper submission deadline: Aug 5th 2020
UEF 2020 – 2nd international forum on sustainable urban economy and SDG 11 will be held in Toronto (Canada), on October 5th & 6th, 2020. UEF 2020 is an international forum regarding SDG 11 which is one of 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals focused on creating sustainable and resilient cities and communities. UEF aims to advance SDG 11 through identifying and implementing sustainable urban economy in municipalities in the world.
Following the success of the first UEF in October 2019, 2nd UEF will host mayors, city leaders, academics, researchers, independent scholars, investors, urban planners, developers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the urban economy field. Urban planners and economists all over the world will come together and discuss the latest ideas and deliberate issues concerning all fields of Urban Economy and Sustainable Development.
There is 10 years left until 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and it is necessary for UEF 2020 to focus on the economy of cities and review opportunities and challenges and the process of securing financial resources for cities. Also, UEF is an attempt to develop a strategy for municipalities to achieve sustainable urban economy which is crucial to realize SDGs and it will shape the future of cities entirely.
Furthermore, the focus on the role of housing and real estate as one of the main revenue sources for cities, as well as social housing, will be an important effort by UEF 2020 to provide sustainable housing options for more citizens.
Due to the nature of the conference with its focus on innovative ideas and developments, papers related to all areas of economic and social sciences are welcomed. As well, the impact climate challenges have on urbanism is a crucial topic, therefore an international platform will be provided to review and exchange knowledge and expertise in adopting innovative ways and best practices for cities to reduce the consumption of energy and emission of greenhouse gases and to seek innovative solutions regarding these global issues. UEF 2020 is an attempt to achieve these vital goals.
Any academic articles and / or presentations in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied research are highly welcomed. Articles and presentations in all related fields, such as economics, urban studies, art, architecture, geography, communication, computer and information technology, accounting, finance, management, business, marketing, education, sociology, psychology, political science, law and other areas of social sciences; are invited for this international conference.
1. Banks and urban SDG
a. Sustainable urban economy as tools to realize Urban SDG and the role of banks and financial institutions in achieving sustainable urban economy with municipalities.
2. Cities issues in different aspects and City Prosperity Initiative
a. CPI and other urban assessments as the foundation for sustainable urban economy
3. Sustainable Housing
a. Housing, challenges and opportunities of sustainable housing and its interaction with the city’s economy
4. Technology and urban SDG
a. The role of world top high-tech companies in CPI
b. Data mining and comparable and standardized scores for cities
c. Assessing opportunity to create a global platform to use high-tech technology for evaluating cities and gathering big urban data.
5. Environment and urban SDG
6. Equity and minorities
7. Other related topics
Authors who decide not to submit a revised paper will still be invited to participate in the conference, as audience to expend their networks and share their knowledge and experiences with other experts in a truly international atmosphere.
The official language of the conference is English, we are not providing translation, but the presenters are free to provide translation from their language to English themselves. A large number of participants from more than 50 countries are expected to attend the conference. Submitted papers will be subject to peer review and evaluated based on originality and clarity of exposition.
1. All the accepted full papers Abstracts will be published in our conference book 2. Participants will also be able to access and download the Abstracts E-publication from ( web site.
This publication would require no additional charge from the authors, but it might require an additional editing process.
In addition to your professional experience in UEF 2020, you will be able to enjoy one of the most developed cities in the world, TORONTO, unique for its multicultural society, modern architecture, tasty gastronomy, historical, environmental and artistic richness, as well as cultural and musical events of all kinds.
Toronto is one of the world's most modern cities famous for its modern buildings and magnificent scenic beauty. Also around the city you can enjoy from variety of rich tourism attractions.
For any further queries about the UEF 2020, please contact:
Abstract submission
Urban Economy Forum is pleased to accept the submission of any high-quality, original and unpublished papers based on the outcomes of conceptual, constructive, experimental and theoretical research in the hereunder topics. Submitted paper, should not be published or not under review for publication anywhere else. Abstracts submitted for presentation will undergo a thorough selection process carried out by the distinguished Scientific Committee Members. The official language of the Conference will be English, and all abstracts must therefore be written and presented in English.
Submission Instructions:
Abstract Length:
All manuscripts must include an abstract with 200-250 words. Key words 3-5 keywords to be included on the manuscript cover page
Method of Submission:
Please submit the abstract(s) by emailing your manuscript in MS Word format to A cover page is needed for your manuscript with the following information: Title of your manuscript, Full name of all authors, Affiliation(s) with the city and country and the Email address of the corresponding author on the manuscript cover page
The organizers of the 2nd Urban Economy Forum welcome the submissions of abstracts for original contributions to the field in the UEF 2020.
Important dates for Abstract Submissions:
January 20, 2020 Opening abstract submissions for early review
April 15, 2020 Deadline for all abstract submissions
30 days after the abstract is submitted Notification regarding general abstract submissions
August 5, 2020 Deadline for submitting the full paper
Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, and panel discussion may only be submitted electronically using the email address:
Papers may be submitted as individual presentations or as a part of a panel discussion:
Oral Presentations at UEF 2020: 15-minute time slot
Papers submitted to the UEF 2020 thematic areas will be grouped together by the thematic area in order to facilitate meaningful discussion
Posters: size of the poster 200 cm (height) x 90 cm (width)
Poster sessions allow presenters and attendees to engage in extended personal discussions regarding presentations that are in the poster format.
The papers that are submitted can be selected to be presented as an oral presentation or poster The Scientific Committee will determine the final mode of presentation, also taking into account the quality of the proposals, their relationships, temporal and technical possibilities.
Panel Discussion: 90-minute time slot
The panel discussion is a focused session in which multiple (3-5) participants present their contributions related to a shared theme. The format of a Panel usually consists of an introduction to the topic by the Chairperson to provide the audience with a background for the ensuing discussion.
Participants then present their viewpoints, followed by exchanging the ideas among participants and between the audience and participants. Often the panels will conclude by the chairperson or a discussant.
• A full paper will be required for publication consideration with the Urban Economy Forum journal,
• At least one author of each selected paper must register and attend the Forum to present the paper (poster or oral presentation).
• Each participant can submit up to two abstracts as presenting author.
It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to obtain the approval of all co-authors at the time of submission. UEF will not be held accountable, should there be any claims for compensation.
Once abstract is accepted, we will ask you to prepare your presentation or submit the full paper
to be considered for publication. Accepted manuscript will be published both online and in the Urban Economy Journal. Although for oral or poster presentation of the article the full paper is not mandatory.
Full paper:
Less than 12 pages include references, tables/ charts and keywords. Maximum word count is 5000 words.
Font 12-point Times New Roman Paragraph Single-spaced Margin Normal (Top: 2.54 cm, Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left: 3.18cm, Right: 3.18cm)
Page Numbers Bottom-cantered Layout Single-column portrait Format MS Word, either .doc or .docx format is accepted.
Please email us at
should you need further information or any assistances.