UEF's Charter


Urban Economy Forum (UEF) is an initiative to provide a forum for professional dialogue between cities and municipalities, banks and other financial institutions, and private sector, professionals and non-governmental organizations to increase the efficiency of urban economy and promote innovation in markets for sustainable urban development.


Urban Economy Forum (UEF), is a technical, non-profit organization with its primary focus on urban economy and promoting its activities initially at the Canadian level followed by expansion at the global level.

Chapter I: Introduction and Mission 

Article 1. Definition:

The Urban Economy Forum (hereinafter called UEF) is the title of an international non-governmental and independent organization which operates to develop cooperation between cities, local and national governments and international organizations with objectives stipulated in Article 6.

Article 2. Seat of the Organization 

The Forum shall have its principal seat at Toronto, Canada. 

The Forum may decide to convene at any other subsidiary seat outside of Canada if the Secretariat so decides in the best interests of the Forum and its stakeholders

Article 3. Operational and Financial Cycles 

The UEF shall consider the calendar year, i.e., from January 1 to December 31, for operational and documentation purposes, for budgetary computation and financial purposes

Article 4. Time and Scope of Activity

UEF’s activity does not have any time restriction and its domain is international.

Article 5. Official Language 

The working language of UEF is English for its financial and administrative correspondences and documentation.

Article 6. Mission and mandate

UEF’s mission is to promote sustainable economies in cities through partnership, dialogue, exchange of experiences and access to resources they need to implement innovative processes and programs to restore the economic, environmental, and social health and vitality of their communities.

• Urban Economy Forum’s mission is to work alongside financial and professional institutions for the development of an index on the status of the urban economies, of cities with the use of the latest technologies 
• Create indices as a tools of assessment that can be adopted among municipalities and development organizations
• To collaborate with financiers and banking institutions to identify avenues for development and economic opportunities
• To create a platform for financial professionals to showcase their innovative financial tools that are available and ready to use globally by local governments 
• To organize and facilitate public conferences with the presence of influential city leaders, bank managers and financial institutions to present and discuss the status of the urban economy at the global level. The proceedings at these meetings shall explore challenges, opportunities, capacities and new approaches for the realization of Sustainable Development Goals and in particular SDG 11.
• UEF while advocating for a more efficient sharing of financial resources between central and local government, will also support cities in identifying potential local sources of revenue generation currently available and how they can be fully harnessed. These include, for example, user fees, tax increment financing, land value finance and debt instruments, such as bonds and loans, in addition, community-based financing funds
• UEF, by disseminating information on good practices among cities, shall support planning of urban growth in a more sustainable and climate-neutral way. The sustainable management of resources includes strengthening the environmentally sound management and minimization of all waste, including air and short- lived climate pollutants, and greenhouse gases in a way that strives to transition to a circular economy.
• To support spatial equality through dissemination of city level initiatives for local economic development that benefits all including women, gender minorities, youth, older persons and persons with disabilities. 
• To support the cities to become livable, globally competitive and environmentally sustainable 

Article 7. Resolution of Dispute

Any issue which cannot be settled amicably under the terms of this Charter, or complaint relating to the UEF, application or fulfillment of this Charter may be referred for arbitration in accordance with the Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitration Involving International Organization and States in force at the date during which this Charter was promulgated. The Arbitrator’s decision shall be binding on all Parties and there shall be no appeal.

Article 8. Enforcement of the Charter

The charter is the main document for UEF. This charter is drafted by the Board of Directors. The original copy of the Charter, signed and sealed by the Board shall be kept at the Secretariat of UEF. Certified copies of the Charter shall be sent to all board of directors by the Secretariat.

Article 9. Liability

UEF is liable as a legal entity only to the extent of its assets; members are not individually liable for corporate debts and liabilities.

Article 10. Audiences and Stakeholders 

United Nations, international development organizations including IFIs, municipalities, local governments, central governments, NGOs including organizations representing the indigenous peoples, youth, women and differently abled persons, banks, financial and investment institutions, Real Estate sector, Academic community and the private sector. UEF will attempt to communicate with all these sectors directly and efficiently.

Article 11. Principal Organs 

The UEF shall have two Principal organs: World Assembly and Board of Directors.

Any change in the structure of the organs would be possible after being approved by the Board of Directors.

UEF is a non political organization and does not involve itself in political affairs.

Chapter II World Assembly 

Article 12. Composition 

The World Assembly consists of the members including city representatives and Banks and other financial institutions. The World Assembly would have the following position:

- President 
- Executive Coordinator 
- Members

Article 13. Power and Functions 

The World Assembly may discuss any questions or matters within the scope of the present Charter, and, may make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Forum on any such questions or matters.

The World Assembly would be responsible for bringing more members within the Assembly and will be entitled to decide the usage of the funds raised by World Assembly for the fulfillment of the UEF objectives in consensus with Board of Directors 

The World Assembly will make recommendations to the Board of Directors related to the new project ideas and potential collaborations. The Assembly may also be involved in bringing the projects from the members and give to Board of Directors for execution.

President: will be responsible for the establishment of the UEF as a global entity based on existing law and convene the meetings of the world assembly. He shall be responsible for the bringing in projects and ideas representing the recommendations from the World Assembly members to the Board of Directors.
The signature of agreements, contracts and all the relevant documents related to World Assembly proceedings must be done by the President 

Executive Coordinator: He or she is responsible for managing the administrative and executive issues pertaining to the world assembly under the supervision of the President and Board of Directors.

Article 14.   Decision-making 

Decisions of the World Assembly on procedural and all other matters shall be made by positive consensus, by the President and abstentions shall be deemed as concurrence for the purpose of expedited discharge of the UEF’s functions. In case of an even voting, the Decision of the President shall be followed.

Article 15. Meetings 

- The World Assembly meeting shall be held once every year
- Minimum of 14 days’ notice shall be given to the members before the date of the meeting enclosing the agenda, place and time of the meeting 

Chapter III: Board of Directors 

Article 16. Composition

The Board of Directors shall consist of the following positions 
- Chair
- Executive Director
- Secretary General
- Treasurer
-  Three Vice Chairs 

Article 17. Powers and Functions 

The board of Directors shall govern the execution and affairs of the UEF 

The board shall work to promote the purposes, objectives, principles, and values of the Forum.

The Board of Directors would be responsible for advancing and following up the approved programs of the UEF.

The Board of Directors would be responsible for building capacity and finance (through membership and fund raising) for advancing the programs of the UEF based on the business plans.

The Board of Directors would be responsible for building membership for the platforms and also for the World Assembly.

Board of Directors would be responsible for any financial matters, controlling incomes and expenditures, administrative and legal matters related to UEF 

Capacity-building for development and creating necessary infrastructures for implementing the business plan will be done by Board. 
BoD will be responsible for the approval of annual budget and advice the secretariat on resource mobilization. Annual budget should cover administrative and activity/programme costs. UEF’s programmes and activities are expected to be funded by governments, partnerships with corporations, foundations and private individuals 

The Board of Directors propose Rules of Procedure, which will address administrative and operational concerning the internal management and regulations of the organization including the remuneration of Secretariat personnel of UEF. UEF shall approve the Rules of Procedure by simple majority
Article 18. Meetings

Board of Directors shall hold a board session at least once every month to determine its long-term programs and decide for its strategies. 

Chapter IV Amendments 

Article 19. Amendments 

The Charter shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors periodically (the frequency will be decided by the Board of Directors , as and when, required) to identify required amendments in order to reflect the concurrency of changing times, realities of a dynamic society, and improve any operational exigencies that may impede the functioning of the Forum. 

Article 20.  Entry into force of amendments proposed 

Amendments proposed by the board shall enter into force seven days after the communication to the Members of the Platform and World Assembly , unless objected to, in which case it shall be placed on the agenda of any subsequent meeting of the Board.

Chapter V. Membership 

Membership can be done by the Board of Directors based on the drafted and approved procedure

Membership in the UEF is open to all organizations, firms, and individuals working in the academic, financial , real estate , innovation and development, city leaders , CITIES and in the area of urban economy or are interested stakeholders in the promotion of the work of the Platform, which/who accept the commitments contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Secretariat, are able and willing to carry out these commitments.

Article 21. Membership Categories 

Interested Individuals and Cities can be member of the UEF membership under the following categories– 
A. City Leaders: The city leaders category would be including but not limited to mayors, city managers, community managers, city councilor etc.
B. Academic : Any Institution including university, department, research institute or individual working at such institutions can become academic member
C. Finance and Bank: Any financial institution, banks or individuals working at such institutions can become Finance and Bank platform member.
D. Real Estate, Innovation & Development: Any individual or Institution working in the domain of the real estate, innovation and development can become Real Estate, Innovation & Development platform member
E. Cities and municipalities 
F. NGOs, international organizations, individual and institution members
The Board of Directors shall have the power to decide and revise the membership categories 

Article 22. Membership Fee 

The membership fee shall be decided by the Board of Directors

Each membership application will be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board has the authority to appoint an official for the approval of membership.

The Board of Directors has the right to provide honorable membership to the CITIES or any Individual representing the platforms, deem significant for the UEF mission. The honorable member would be not entitled to pay any fee for the membership and would be associated in honorary capacity. 

Article 23. Dissolution

In case of dissolution, all the assets of the UEF will be donated to the public sector.

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